Gerber Registration Set 110

On request

5 x Registration-Stylus with Sleeve short /113/112/, 5 x Registration-Stylus with Sleeve long /123/122/, 5 x Registration-Plate small /115/, 5 x Registration-Plate big /125/, 10 x Disposable-Plexiglas-Disc /111/, Registration Index blue /43/


 5 x Registration-Stylus with Sleeve short

No. 113/112,
5 x Registration-Stylus with Sleeve long No. 123/122,
5 x Registration-Plate small No. 115,
5 x Registration-Plate big No. 125,
10 x Disposable-Plexiglas-Disc No. 111,
1 x Registration Index blue No. 43. No. 43.

Serves to make individual registration plates for intraoral registration.

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